Engine Driven Pressure Washers

Product Ranges

We have access to comprehensive range of petrol and diesel driven pressure washers. A machine to suit your needs depending on intended use and budget.

Why buy from us?

Our range is high quality.

The range is high quality. What does that mean? The components used are selected for functionality and reliability. The machines are designed to be fit for purpose and stand the test of time.

A reputation to maintain!

We have over 40 years of experience in this industry – you can trust us to supply the right machine for the job. That’s important for you and for us …. we have a reputation to maintain!

Your investment will pay in the long run.

We may not be the cheapest – but we aim to make your investment pay in the long run with excellent reliability and long life from the machine.

Commitment to excellent service.

Back to our reputation – 40 plus years in the business and we remain motivated to give service second to none. We expect it from our suppliers and so do you!

The right machine for every job.

The range is extensive – with no weak links. We have the right machine for your job – and if not we’ll build it.

We have an experienced team.

Our long serving sales and engineering team have a wealth of expertise and access to more knowledge in the industry if we need to seek it.



We see growing demand for static / cabinet machines which are geared for washing down your big kit!
In livestock farming – where hygiene has never been more important – we also have the right kit for the job!

Transport & Logistics

Transport & Logistics

This is a key sector for the Plantmaster range of static cabinet machines where features such as retractable hose reels, key fob and remote control systems and tamperproof cabinets are geared for heavy work, multi user environments.



For most dealerships – a key part of the operation is the valet bay. If cold water will suffice then the Atom XL range is the mobile choice. For hot water, better at lifting the traffic film and de-greasing, choose from the Drop Revolution or Avant.



Our range are Industrial Machines – from the Atom XL cold mobiles through to the Plantmaster Hot Static Pressure Washers. Some industries demand specialist kit eg. the unique MAC Permahot range is ideal for the food processing industry.

Public Service, Government & Utility

Public Service, Government & Utility

Our experience here is broad – from hot water static machines at police stations, pipeline installations at gritter stations to static vehicle washes for utility companies.

Download our product catalogue

  • After 6 months in use – just about every working day – Matt reports “nothing but positive feedback” from his colleagues.

    Matthew Wood Western Power, North Lincs
  • It ensures our machines are kept to the highest standards of cleanliness, which is paramount when working within the food industry.

    Dougie Pocklington Fen Peas
  • I chose the Plantmaster static hot water machine - it is a fantastic bit of kit.

    Paul Grant Grant Farming Ltd

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