Our range of electric mobile and static machines now offer a viable option to diesel heated pressure washers.
The range is high quality. What does that mean? The components used are selected for functionality and reliability. The machines are designed to be fit for purpose and stand the test of time.
We have over 40 years of experience in this industry – you can trust us to supply the right machine for the job. That’s important for you and for us …. we have a reputation to maintain!
We may not be the cheapest – but we aim to make your investment pay in the long run with excellent reliability and long life from the machine.
Back to our reputation – 40 plus years in the business and we remain motivated to give service second to none. We expect it from our suppliers and so do you!
The range is extensive – with no weak links. We have the right machine for your job – and if not we’ll build it.
Our long serving sales and engineering team have a wealth of expertise and access to more knowledge in the industry if we need to seek it.